
NZAMD American Jazz

Grades 1 -5, Pre Elementary, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced 2 & Solo Seal.
Students should be 8 years old before commencing Modern classes to enable them to cope with the isolations and rhythms involved.
Examinations are late June/early July. If you choose to enter for the exam you will be required to attend our holiday programme in the 2nd week of the April holidays. [Tuesday- Friday] which is an essential part of their exam preparation.


Levels 1-6.
Hip Hop is taught in the modern classes after the mid-year exams. These eexaminations are held early November.

Stretch, Leap & Spin

A half hour class that works on flexibility, turns & leaps. This is an excellent extension class for grade 3 modern students & above.

Open Jazz

These classes will cover technique, performance presentation & introduce steps outside the exam syllabi. Different styles are taught in the class routines.